Global Grants

Global grants support large international activities with sustainable, measurable outcomes in Rotary’s areas of focus. Grant sponsors form international partnerships that respond to real community needs. Global grants can fund a variety of activities including humanitarian projects, Scholarships for graduate-level academic studies, and vocational training teams, which are groups of professionals who travel abroad either to teach local professionals. The images below are of a water project in Nigeria that was a cooperative venture between District 9110 in Nigeria and our own District 6110. District 6110 and it's clubs have been partners in many Global Grants, including a Gift of Hearing in India that resulted in more than 70 children being able to hear for the first time, a kitchen in a Guatemala orphanage, and so many more. Click here to learn more about the grant application process.

Cathy Webster, Rotary District 6110 District Grants Chair (click name to e-mail)

Water project


Water project 2

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